blogging, Books, geekery, Lifestyle, Music

Saturday Share #67

Another awesome week in the blogosphere, packed with Feminist Fridays, blogging tips and yummy baked goods. Pour yourself a brew and enjoy! Music I really need to listen to Regina Spektor's new album. Love that gal Lifestyle Feminist Fridays? Bleddy good idea! I'm not a fan of Zoella. The girl is clearly good at what… Continue reading Saturday Share #67

follow friday
blogging, Books, stationery

Follow Friday #22

There is so much awesome in the blogosphere that my 'to read' list is just shy of 400 posts! Every time I read something amazing there's a dozen more posts to add to the list! Just like these little lovelies... Baby Dear Mummy, I'm Not Sleeping Because... - Huffington Post Babysitter box - Life Unexpected… Continue reading Follow Friday #22

blogging, Books, Film, Lifestyle

Follow Friday #14

I've discovered some great new blogs this week, including some potentially easy to try and test recipes. Take a look! Blogging Blogging for the wrong reasons - Becky Bedbug Find out who is pinning your posts - free borboleta The A-Z of blogging - Leanne Marie Lifestyle My Favourite Cushions - What the Redhead Said… Continue reading Follow Friday #14