blogtacular blog planner
blogging, Lifestyle, stationery

What makes the perfect blog planner?

Having tried out the Paperchase blogger's journal and the Dot Creates ultimate blog planner, and found both to be missing a little something, I got to wondering what makes the perfect blog planner. I've scoured various stationery websites and blogging resources to come up with a little collection of elements that I think would be… Continue reading What makes the perfect blog planner?

zoella journal from waterstones
blogging, Lifestyle, stationery

Item of the day: Zoella journal from Waterstones

Yep, this is a weird one from me because I'm not a fan of Zoella but oh em gee her lifestyle range is freakin' awesome, especially the stationery (check out her stationery book and pencils), but in particular this adorable journal. I have to give my friend Heather a shout out for introducing me to… Continue reading Item of the day: Zoella journal from Waterstones

blogging, Books, geekery, Lifestyle, Music

Saturday Share #67

Another awesome week in the blogosphere, packed with Feminist Fridays, blogging tips and yummy baked goods. Pour yourself a brew and enjoy! Music I really need to listen to Regina Spektor's new album. Love that gal Lifestyle Feminist Fridays? Bleddy good idea! I'm not a fan of Zoella. The girl is clearly good at what… Continue reading Saturday Share #67

books by bloggers
blogging, Books, Lifestyle

Books by bloggers

A couple of months ago I blogged about books on blogging, some of which were written by successful bloggers, such as Joy Cho, Dana Fox and Regina Anaejionu. I think most of us would be lying if we said that a book deal wouldn't be amazing and I've compiled a list of some of the… Continue reading Books by bloggers