follow friday
blogging, Film, geekery, Lifestyle, Parenthood

Follow Friday #35

Happy New Year! Still feeling the effects of last night? Snuggle down with a brew and some biccies and let these fabulous posts entertain you. Baby Wanna know how strong a mother's love is? Check out Jodie's post, which totally gave me the warm and fuzzies. And while you're at it, this dad's post about… Continue reading Follow Friday #35

follow friday
Books, crafting, geekery, Parenthood, stationery

Follow Friday #29

Just enough time for a little Follow Friday before I head off to Bedfordshire. I procrastinated a wee bit this week, spending last night searching the whole of Argos for suitable toys for Jenson for Christmas and this afternoon making the most of the November sunshine. I really need to take some time to read… Continue reading Follow Friday #29

blogging, Books, Film, Lifestyle

Follow Friday #14

I've discovered some great new blogs this week, including some potentially easy to try and test recipes. Take a look! Blogging Blogging for the wrong reasons - Becky Bedbug Find out who is pinning your posts - free borboleta The A-Z of blogging - Leanne Marie Lifestyle My Favourite Cushions - What the Redhead Said… Continue reading Follow Friday #14

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blogging, Lifestyle

Follow Friday #9

I'm looking forward to spending the weekend catching up on posts on Bloglovin but here's what I've managed to catch in the middle of the madness that has been the last couple of weeks - lots of tips for fellow bloggers! Blogging JC Tech: What Every Blogger Needs to Know About Twitter - Jasmin Charlotte… Continue reading Follow Friday #9