Cath Kidston Alice purse

Friday Favourites #54

Man, it's been a busy week! I spent a couple of days away for work (like you didn't already know! I haven't half harped on about it), caught up with the family, spent a few days in the office and now Luke has the weekend off, so we have a long family weekend planned. Yay!… Continue reading Friday Favourites #54

Exploring Brighton

24 hours in Brighton: exploring

In case you missed it, I spent 24 hours in Brighton last week for a work conference. Most of my time was spent at said conference but I did get a chance to explore in the evening and grab a non-hotel breakfast in the morning. I reviewed the fab My Brighton Hotel on Monday and… Continue reading 24 hours in Brighton: exploring

My Brighton Hotel - review

24 hours in Brighton: My Brighton Hotel

Last week I went away for my first work conference - in Brighton! Brighton had been on my list of places to visit in the UK for a long time and I was pleased to have a reason to explore. Our CEO even suggested that we fly up, as travelling on the train from Cornwall… Continue reading 24 hours in Brighton: My Brighton Hotel

blogging, Books, geekery, Lifestyle, Music

Saturday Share #67

Another awesome week in the blogosphere, packed with Feminist Fridays, blogging tips and yummy baked goods. Pour yourself a brew and enjoy! Music I really need to listen to Regina Spektor's new album. Love that gal Lifestyle Feminist Fridays? Bleddy good idea! I'm not a fan of Zoella. The girl is clearly good at what… Continue reading Saturday Share #67

saturday share_blue
blogging, Books, Film, geekery, Lifestyle

Saturday Share #60

There's something good about finding the time to publish these weekly posts late on a Saturday night (#partyon) - it means y'all have loads to read over your Sunday morning coffee! You're welcome. Read on for Cornwall travel tips, beautiful books, blogging recommendations and more. Cornwall Whether you're a local or you're visiting for a… Continue reading Saturday Share #60

brighton_most photographed

[Guest post] There’s No Place Like Home: Sussex by the Sea

A while back I wrote a post called There's No Place Like Home, featuring my favourite places in West Cornwall, and invited other bloggers to guest post, blogging about what they love about their own home towns. The lovely Eddy from The Spoon Drawer is here with his take on why Brighton is so damn… Continue reading [Guest post] There’s No Place Like Home: Sussex by the Sea