september hyggebox review
Lifestyle, Mental Health

Self-Care Sunday #31 [HyggeBox review]

I think I might have to rename this blog series Subscription Box Sunday soon because I've come across so many boxes that really do make my week. HyggeBox* is the latest box to be sent for review and it's a bleddy beauty. As I opened it I was instantly hit with an autumnal, hygge feel,… Continue reading Self-Care Sunday #31 [HyggeBox review]

hygge book and accessories

Autumn is coming

It's getting darker earlier, I've switched to jumpers and boots and there's a definite nip in the air. It's almost the time of pumpkins, bonfires and Christmas shopping, so I've been thinking about what I want to do with Jenson before we welcome the festive season: 1. Do another pumpkin patch photo shoot (here's last… Continue reading Autumn is coming

hugge self care
Mental Health

Self-Care Sunday #4

If feeling poorly this week has proved anything it's that you should sleep when you need to. Sounds simple, right? But when our lives are so busy (I'm trying to balance a job, this blog, family life and some half-arsed attempt at a social life), sleep can fall down the list of priorities. There are… Continue reading Self-Care Sunday #4

hygge candle from not on the high street

Item of the day: Hygge candle from Not on the High Street

I'm all about living the hygge life and can't resist online window shopping all of the gorgeous accessories available. Did you know that Not on the High Street has a whole section dedicated to hygge? Perfect for a bit of last minute Christmas shopping. I love this definition candle; it's so Instagrammable - you can't… Continue reading Item of the day: Hygge candle from Not on the High Street

floor seat from george at asda

Item of the day: Floor seat from George at Asda

It's great to see George at Asda embracing hygge - and making it so affordable! They currently have 20% off a range of winter warmers, including a load of cute cushions and lamps. I'm after this floor seat as we're missing a foot rest since we updated our furniture and it's always handy to have… Continue reading Item of the day: Floor seat from George at Asda

blogging, Books, geekery, Lifestyle, Music

Saturday Share #67

Another awesome week in the blogosphere, packed with Feminist Fridays, blogging tips and yummy baked goods. Pour yourself a brew and enjoy! Music I really need to listen to Regina Spektor's new album. Love that gal Lifestyle Feminist Fridays? Bleddy good idea! I'm not a fan of Zoella. The girl is clearly good at what… Continue reading Saturday Share #67


10 things to look forward to this autumn

It's official, today's the first day of autumn! I've already been walking over crunchy leaves and donning warmer tops for a couple of weeks but now summer is well and truly over. In last week's Sunday Snapshot I shared my autumn bucket list but I wanted to talk a bit more about the things I'm… Continue reading 10 things to look forward to this autumn

saturday share_blue
blogging, Books, Lifestyle, Parenthood, stationery

Saturday Share #63

This week is all about living the hygge life, swooning over blogger events and growing your blog. Plus the usual zillion books I've added to my wish list! Stationery It's that time of the year again - back to school supplies! I'm loving these wish lists from Charlotte and Claire Books I've long been fascinated… Continue reading Saturday Share #63