Free comic book haul
Books, geekery

Free comic book haul

A couple of weeks ago my neighbour had a clear out and left a massive box of comic books on her doorstep - for nice nerds only. Now, I don't like to toot my own horn, but I like to think I'm a nice nerd - so I took about half the box! I sorted… Continue reading Free comic book haul

25% off tu clothing feb 2017

Item of the day: 25% off Tu Clothing

I bleddy love 25% off Tu Clothing weeks. It's generally when we stock up on Jenson's next size clothes. He's starting to last longer in his sizes now but we'll be needing some 2-3 years summer clothes, so I've got my eye on some bits. If you've not had a browse yet, you'd better hurry… Continue reading Item of the day: 25% off Tu Clothing

my goodreads reading challenge 2016

My 2016 Goodreads Challenge

I'd had a Goodreads account for a while but not really used it until this year. When I was bored I liked to rate books in order to get recommendations but I never used it to track my reading. This year I set myself my first challenge - to read 50 books in 2016. I… Continue reading My 2016 Goodreads Challenge

2016 christmas gift guide for geeks
Books, geekery, Lifestyle

2016 Christmas Gift Guide: For Geeks

Given that this is a rather geeky blog in itself, chances are most of the posts you'll find here will feature a pretty good gift idea for a geek, but here's a little gift guide anyway. I've tried not to include items I've mentioned here before and not make it too DC-centric but some things… Continue reading 2016 Christmas Gift Guide: For Geeks

Jenson's new wheels
Books, geekery, Jenson, Lifestyle, Parenthood

Friday Favourites #22

It feels like it has been a longer week than usual. Probably not helped by the fact that I spent over 14 hours travelling to and from work this week (bear in mind I work a three-day week!) and that I went straight to bed when Jenson did on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday night… Continue reading Friday Favourites #22

batman moleskine planner
geekery, Lifestyle, stationery

Item of the day: Batman planner from Moleskine

My fab friend informed me that Moleskine have just released new Batman planners and now I've got a bit of a dilemma - which one do I add to my Christmas list?! On the one hand, the Joker ones are awesome, especially this one, based on the Dark Knight marketing campaign. But size matters, so… Continue reading Item of the day: Batman planner from Moleskine

ten toddler outfits under ten pounds

Ten cute toddler outfits for under a tenner

Although I'm not classing Jenson as a toddler yet, as he's not walking, if you're looking at 12-18 months and 18-24 months old clothes, like I am, that's generally the toddler stage, right? Plus the word toddler is great for an alliterative blog post title! Here are some freakin' cute outfits I've found for under… Continue reading Ten cute toddler outfits for under a tenner

march 2016 in photos
Jenson, Lifestyle, Parenthood, stationery

My life in photos: March 2016

We're already a week into April - seriously, where has the time gone? I've been back at work for over two months and Jenson's first birthday is less than two months away. Woah. March flew by in a whirlwind of yet more coffee and cake, plus Easter goodies and sunny walks. Take a peek at… Continue reading My life in photos: March 2016