blogging, Books, geekery, Lifestyle, Music

Saturday Share #67

Another awesome week in the blogosphere, packed with Feminist Fridays, blogging tips and yummy baked goods. Pour yourself a brew and enjoy!

saturday share_blue

I really need to listen to Regina Spektor’s new album. Love that gal

Feminist Fridays? Bleddy good idea!

I’m not a fan of Zoella. The girl is clearly good at what she does but her content doesn’t really do a lot for me. But even I’ve got to admit that her new home range looks pretty awesome

Get more hygge in your life

I want this Totoro chair so bad!

Italy is very near the top of my travel bucket list

I feel like the only person who has never been to Brighton! It looks a bit like a home away from home. Need to go!

How awesome does Mayim Bialik’s book ‘Girling Up’ sound?!

Bullet journal
Totally inspired by Holly’s post

Make it
I’m def gonna try these apple and granola puff parcels

Lemon and blueberry scone slices? Yes please!

Cat has some great tips on how to grow your Twitter following

Linked In is a vital tool for bloggers and freelances. Holly has some advice on making it work for you

So many social media tips this week! My fave comes from Gwennan – she gets a million impressions a month on Pinterest!

Film & TV
Looking forward to The Good Wife spin-off

Having a baby? At the risk of freaking you out, reading Amy’s post about induction. A friend of mine had to be induced last year and she was told nothing about it beforehand by her midwife! As scary as these things are, it’s better to be prepared.

What have you loved reading this week?

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