Books, Film, Lifestyle

The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete, coffee and National Stationery Week #LittleLoves

I thought that having not posted a Little Loves/Friday Favourites last week I'd have more to talk about this week. 'Unfortunately', I didn't have much of a life outside of National Stationery Week. I say 'unfortunately' because it was actually bloody awesome. I got to work with some fantastic brands, building/growing great working relationships, I've… Continue reading The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete, coffee and National Stationery Week #LittleLoves

tu clothing wishlist
Lifestyle, Parenthood

Item(s) of the day: 25% off Tu Clothing!

Yay, Tu Clothing are having another 25% off week! Unfortunately it ends right before Pay Day (boo) so this is definitely more of a wish list post but check out these prices! Hope you other mummas with little boys find some inspiration. Peter Rabbit bib, now £1.50 2.5 tog Peter Rabbit sleeping bag, now £10.50… Continue reading Item(s) of the day: 25% off Tu Clothing!

18-24 months boys clothes wish list
Jenson, Parenthood

Wish List: Clothes for Jenson

I love buying clothes for Jenson more than for myself - crazy, right? I went through his 18-24 months old clothes the other day to see what we still need to pick up before the end of the summer and I was surprised to see that we're almost there. We just need a few more… Continue reading Wish List: Clothes for Jenson

follow friday
blogging, Books, geekery, Lifestyle, stationery

Follow Friday #46

It's moments like this that I'm grateful for my re-organisation of my Bloglovin' account. I cleverly created a separate collection for the posts I have read and loved, ready to upload to a Follow Friday post, making life super-easy when I come to do it at 9.45pm on a Friday. I'm armed with a bottle… Continue reading Follow Friday #46

marks and spencer kids wish list
geekery, Parenthood

Wish list: M&S kids

We're lucky that Jenson is now in that fun clothing age range where he can wear both baby and boys clothes. Baby clothes tend to go up to 24 months and most boys clothes start at a year old, so he can still wear the cute baby dungarees (which Luke hates but I love -… Continue reading Wish list: M&S kids

2 tog sleepsuit
Jenson, Parenthood

October baby clothes haul

Yep, this is generally a monthly occurrence but I haven't remembered to photograph a lot of them post-purchase. It's generally a mad dash to photograph Jenson looking cute in his little clothes before he unleashes a load of vomit. Or poo. Or both... Yep, we're at that fun teething stage where he poos all the… Continue reading October baby clothes haul

dumbo clothes from sainsburys
Lifestyle, Parenthood

25% off Tu clothing at Sainsburys!

I don't normally like to post two wish lists in one week but I am sooo excited that there is currently 25% off Tu clothing! I love shopping for Jenson at Sainsburys. There's really no need to fork out a fortune on baby clothes - they're only in them for two minutes, it's easier to… Continue reading 25% off Tu clothing at Sainsburys!

inspirational postcards from paperchase
Jenson, Lifestyle, stationery

Plymouth shopping haul

I ventured over the bridge to Plymouth a couple of weeks ago and stocked up on some essential items. I had previously gone through all of the baby stuff we've accumulated and realised that there's actually not much left to get, especially clothes-wise. I still managed to spend the best part of £80 in Primark… Continue reading Plymouth shopping haul

andsmilestudio instagram
blogging, Books, Lifestyle

Follow Friday #6

I didn't have much time to catch up on Bloglovin last week so I've rolled everything over to this week. I've even found some new favourite blogs! Enjoy :) Baby PREGNANCY: A Message To Everyone Who Has Compromised My Personal Space... - Treasure Every Moment 53 photos that prove pets are a baby’s best friend!… Continue reading Follow Friday #6

i want one of those sale

Best of the sales

One of the best things about Christmas is the post-Christmas sales - just try and ignore the fact that the gifts you bought are now half price! I've been checking out the whole internet (well, almost) so you don't have to. Here are some of my highlights: Happy jumper, Oliver Bonas, was £45.00, now £30.00… Continue reading Best of the sales