joe browns summer wish list

A Joe Browns summer wish list

I would love to be able to afford to treat myself to a new Joe Browns outfit every month. Their seasonal collections are incredible and I always want everything. Usually I'm all about the tunics but their latest catalogue is packed full of stuff I'd love to add to my wardrobe. Take a look. Must… Continue reading A Joe Browns summer wish list

my march 2017 in photos
Lifestyle, Parenthood

My life in photos: March 2017

Spring is finally here! There have been the obligatory photos of daffodils and blossoms and a sense of being outdoors more, which is always awesome. This is when summer starts to arrive in Cornwall - I've been known to spend a day on the beach in February because as soon as the sun appears we… Continue reading My life in photos: March 2017

embroidered dress from new look

Item of the day: Embroidered mesh dress from New Look

Don't you just hate it when you spot a bleddy gorgeous dress but just don't have the occasion to where it? I mean, check out this beauty from New Look. It deserves a special occasion. Embroidered mesh dress, £44.99 Follow me on: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Bloglovin

Books, geekery, Lifestyle, stationery

Friday Favourites #32

How is it the weekend already? This week has flown by; probably because I've gone to bed with Jenson every night this week so there hasn't been any downtime. But he was in bed by 8pm so woooo! Hopefully I can schedule a few posts and finish my book before I crash. Wish me luck!… Continue reading Friday Favourites #32

floral audrey swing dress from pretty kitty fashion

Item of the day: Floral Audrey swing dress from Pretty Kitty Fashion

I'm on a hunt for a dress for a friend's hen do which will also double up for a work event. I'm on a budget and have spotted this floral Audrey swing dress from Pretty Kitty Fashion in the sale at £24.99. Problem is, it'll cost me extra for the poofy petticoat and a shrug...… Continue reading Item of the day: Floral Audrey swing dress from Pretty Kitty Fashion

best of the sales christmas 2016
Books, geekery, Lifestyle, stationery

Best of the sales

Whenever I was given money for Christmas as a child I was straight in town on Boxing Day to spend it. Now I spend hours perusing the sales on my fave websites in order to make the most informed decision. There's so much to choose from! Check out my highlights below. Te and macaroons dress,… Continue reading Best of the sales

2016 christmas gift guide for geeks
Books, geekery, Lifestyle

2016 Christmas Gift Guide: For Geeks

Given that this is a rather geeky blog in itself, chances are most of the posts you'll find here will feature a pretty good gift idea for a geek, but here's a little gift guide anyway. I've tried not to include items I've mentioned here before and not make it too DC-centric but some things… Continue reading 2016 Christmas Gift Guide: For Geeks

blogosphere issue 10
blogging, Jenson, Lifestyle, Parenthood

Friday Favourites #16

Last week was such a mad rush that I didn't get a chance to publish my favourite post of the week! It's this one, just FYI. So this week's Friday Favourites is a bumper special, featuring highlights from the last two weeks. 1. Jenson's new shoes. We bought Jenson's first pair of shoes from Clarks… Continue reading Friday Favourites #16

alice in wonderland dress from kikis boutique
Books, Lifestyle

Item of the day: Alice in Wonderland dress from Kiki’s Boutique

Oh my gosh, I have just found what is possibly the coolest dress in the world! How amazing is this Alice in Wonderland print dress from Kiki's Boutique?! I love a tea dress too as the fit is one of the more flattering styles on me post-baby. It's £37.50. There's a black and white one… Continue reading Item of the day: Alice in Wonderland dress from Kiki’s Boutique