#lbloggers chat

The #lbloggers chat: Full-time blogging vs hobby blogging with @TinkerbellJayne

Last week's chat was hosted by Tink Jayne, who was shortlisted for Best Lifestyle Blog at the Cosmo Blog Awards this year. So a great chat was guaranteed! I loved reading people's origin stories. For many, it's a way to keep writing and reach an audience. For others it's a way to help with their… Continue reading The #lbloggers chat: Full-time blogging vs hobby blogging with @TinkerbellJayne

my week in photos
blogging, Books, Film, Lifestyle, Music

Highlights of the week

Plenty of recipes to try this week, along with blogging tips and days out in Cornwall. Lifestyle Pastel bedroom - Not on the High Street Chocolate Lego is made to make your mouth water - Creative Bloq I believe in you - Sailboat Thoughts :: On Being A Product Of My Family - She &… Continue reading Highlights of the week

my week in photos

Highlights of the week

New blog discoveries The Peppermint Pencil Jennypurr a little opulent One Sheepish Girl Blogging How to make your fortune writing about stuff you love - BBC News Amy Writes: Why have we become so disillusioned with blogging? - Love AmyBecca Giffysnap: Create animated GIF images for your blog - Wonder Forest The best blogging advice… Continue reading Highlights of the week

my week in photos

Highlights of the week

There's plenty to read this week, thanks in large part to recommendations from the Company Style Blogger Awards! Enjoy. New blog discoveries Fashion Rocks My Socks This Particular Lifestyle Hostess gift: flowers - Cupcakes & Cashmere Everything I need to know, I learned from Mindy Kaling - Hello Giggles My week in London - Briar… Continue reading Highlights of the week


The #lbloggers chat: Making the most of social media with @BeckyBedbug

Last week's #lbloggers chat was hosted by one of my favourite bloggers: Becky, from Becky Bedbug. And it was on a topic that has been on my mind recently: social media. It's something that we all use and therefore think we know a lot about it but we're not using it to its full potential.… Continue reading The #lbloggers chat: Making the most of social media with @BeckyBedbug


The #lbloggers chat: Growing your blog with @allisonleighann

Following last week's more conversational, getting-to-know-you chat, this week's chat gave bloggers the chance to share tips on growing your blog. There were, of course, the usual 'I'm not in this for the views', 'bloggers shouldn't want to make money' and 'blog about what you love and the rest will fall into place' but 99%… Continue reading The #lbloggers chat: Growing your blog with @allisonleighann

my week in photos

Highlights of the week

This week's post is a bit longer than usual because I completely missed off some of my bookmarked posts last week! Silly, Emma! Also, I have discovered Bloglovin! But rather than making this post ridiculously long, I'm going to do a separate post in the week for some blogs and posts that I've fallen in… Continue reading Highlights of the week