saturday share_blue
blogging, Books, Lifestyle, Parenthood, stationery

Saturday Share #68

Prepare yourself for some epic reading as I make up for being MIA last week. I may not have been updating my own blog but I kept checking out my faves. Here's a round-up of my fave posts from the last fortnight. Lifestyle I love looking at Anna's renovations. Have you seen what she's done… Continue reading Saturday Share #68

falmouth university summer shows 2016

Feeling inspired at the Falmouth Summer Shows

There's nothing like walking around the Summer Shows at the number one arts university in the country to make you feel both inspired and utterly talentless! Image via I've always been a bit of a wordsmith and completely useless when it comes to drawing anything. It took me weeks to start bullet journalling because I… Continue reading Feeling inspired at the Falmouth Summer Shows

blogging, Lifestyle

The Liebster Award (part 2!)

I've just received my second Liebster Award nomination, thanks to Amila from Many Little Obsessions. I have previously nominated others, listed facts about myself and posed my own questions (blog post here) but I am more than happy to take part and answer Amila's questions! So here goes: 1. What is your life credo? I actually… Continue reading The Liebster Award (part 2!)

Books, Lifestyle

Item of the day: Liberty sewing book

I was wondering around The Works (always great for a bargain) and came across The Liberty Book of Sewing for a few measly quid (down from £20). It looks like the perfect book for me as I prepare to learn how to make my own pretty things for the house. I've been meaning to buy… Continue reading Item of the day: Liberty sewing book


Item of the day: Jammy Dodger tape measure

If you're one of those rare breed of women - amazing at baking and sewing - then you definitely need one of these tape measures in your life! Of course, it also works if you're like me - love biscuits and  attempting to get more crafty. It's £5.75 from Hunkydory Home. Bargain!


Goodbye 2013, hello 2014!

I've just read back my hopes for 2013 post and I don't think I've done too badly. This year, I didn't set myself resolutions, rather I made a short list of things I wanted to achieve. Here's how I cracked on with them: 1. Learn to sew I might not have actually learned to sew… Continue reading Goodbye 2013, hello 2014!

blogging, Lifestyle

My top ten viewed blog posts of 2013

As I creep nearer towards the 10,000 views mark (I take pride in these small milestones!), I want to take a moment to look back on my blogging year and in particular the ten posts which have had the most views. Here they are, from least to most popular. 10. Top 10: Christmas films Obligatory… Continue reading My top ten viewed blog posts of 2013

Cornwall, Lifestyle

Outlaw Craft Fair

This morning I headed off to the Outlaw Craft Fair in Penzance. I even got up early on my day off because the first 20 people through the door got a free goody bag - yay! Throughout the day, there was stalls, workshops, demos, live music and a deli - plenty to see and do,… Continue reading Outlaw Craft Fair