cornish christmas gift guide 2016
Cornwall, Lifestyle

Christmas Gift Guide 2016: With love from Cornwall

You can't call yourself a Cornish geek and not feature a gift guide with Cornish goodies now, can you?! I've mentioned before that I love shopping independent and local where possible, so here's a selection of gifts from some of my favourite Cornish brands/creators. Teacup and tea plate by Isobel Higley Ceramics, Etsy, £24.95 and… Continue reading Christmas Gift Guide 2016: With love from Cornwall

falmouth university summer shows 2016

Feeling inspired at the Falmouth Summer Shows

There's nothing like walking around the Summer Shows at the number one arts university in the country to make you feel both inspired and utterly talentless! Image via I've always been a bit of a wordsmith and completely useless when it comes to drawing anything. It took me weeks to start bullet journalling because I… Continue reading Feeling inspired at the Falmouth Summer Shows