my week in photos
blogging, Books, crafting, Film, Lifestyle

Highlights of the week

As my blog reading is increasing, so too is this weekly highlights post! Happy reading! New discoveries Death to the Stock Photo Blogging Amy Writes: My essential top 10 Mobile Apps for Bloggers - Love, Amybecca Amy Writes: Can Instagram help my blog? - Love, Amybecca How to learn to code as a blogger and… Continue reading Highlights of the week


Item of the day: Crate

It's the penultimate day of National Stationery Week and time to get organised! As a writer, my desk can get pretty chaotic. I've always got a dozen or so ideas on the go at any one time, with several deadlines throughout the week, and I rely on many items to stay organised: my filofax, my… Continue reading Item of the day: Crate