Blogger's Bookshelf giveaway prizes

Wild, Jack Whitehall and birthday plans #LittleLoves

I've felt really busy this week, with just three working weeks remaining until Christmas and trying to get ahead of myself with some scheduled posts so I can take a blog break over my birthday weekend. I might even have a mini digital detox. But then how will people know what I've done if it's… Continue reading Wild, Jack Whitehall and birthday plans #LittleLoves

saturday share

Saturday Share #110

This week I've been applauding my fave blogger, adding more books to my TBR and pondering baby names. But not for the reason you might think. Ok, first things first. Can we take a minute to applaud that Hannah Gale Blogosophere cover? I'm so freaking excited for the next issue. How did I not know… Continue reading Saturday Share #110