
Saturday Share #110

This week I’ve been applauding my fave blogger, adding more books to my TBR and pondering baby names. But not for the reason you might think.

saturday share

Ok, first things first. Can we take a minute to applaud that Hannah Gale Blogosophere cover? I’m so freaking excited for the next issue.

How did I not know it’s the 75th anniversary of The Famous Five?! Lately I’ve really regretted getting rid of all my childhood books.

I’ve been buyng tins of soup for lunch at work lately but after spotting Cathryn’s recipe for pea and ham soup I might start making my own.

When I first spotted the cover for The Loneliest Girl in the Universe on Instagram I knew I needed it in my life. Now Ali Caitrin‘s convinced me to bump it up the list.

Looking to grow your Twitter account? Holly‘s got you covered.

Next time I need a pretty backdrop for some profile shots I’m totally heading to the National Dahlia Collection.

Who wants a new pen pal? Sign up with Jocelyn.

I can totally relate to Amber’s dilemma about whether or not to have the same last name as her baby.

What blogs have you loved this week?

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