Stationery Show London 2019

Stationery Show London 2019

[Ad - sponsored. Thanks to my fab sponsors who provided me with the opportunity to attend this awesome event: Spotlight Stationery, Pango Productions, Staedtler, Oops a Daisy, Got2Jot, Stationery & Art and Executive Pens Direct]Not only is National Stationery Week one of my favourite weeks of the year but Stationery Show London is one of… Continue reading Stationery Show London 2019

James and the Giant Peach stationery from Portico Designs
Books, stationery

Stationery porn: James and the Giant Peach stationery from Portico Designs

In case you haven't noticed, I'm a big Roald Dahl fan. Roald Dahl Day is one of my favourite days of the year and this year's theme, James and the Giant Peach, has meant there's loads of cool merch to get your mitts on. Portico Designs have a fab range of James and the Giant… Continue reading Stationery porn: James and the Giant Peach stationery from Portico Designs

national stationery week 2015
Books, Lifestyle, stationery

National Stationery Week: Pen a Tweet Day

The wonderful National Stationery Week continues with Pen a Tweet Day. I'm of the mind that if you can't do something well, you shouldn't do it at all, so, as someone who loves to write by hand but has terrible handwriting, I was reluctant to actually pen a tweet. I do, however, want to enroll… Continue reading National Stationery Week: Pen a Tweet Day