jenson sunglasses 15 months
Jenson, Parenthood

Jenson: 15 months old

We've reached Jenson's quarter birthday again! No, we don't celebrate silly little things like that but it's crazy to think that he turned one three months ago. Before we know it it'll be Christmas! Fortunately we've just finished Christmas shopping for him (we've been stocking up a bit at a time when things have been… Continue reading Jenson: 15 months old

authentic weather app
Jenson, Lifestyle, Parenthood

Friday Favourites #11

It's been a bit of a slow week - definitely one for appreciating the little things, like awesome friends, Luke's incredible cooking and baby milestones. 1. Friends. I caught up with some lovely ladies over the weekend. I was still checking in with the doctors every day and it just so happened that one appointment… Continue reading Friday Favourites #11

my life in photos may 2016
Jenson, Lifestyle, Parenthood, stationery

My life in photos: May 2016

I'm making more of a conscious effort to take photos every day - and not just of Jenson! You may have spotted most of these snaps on Instagram over the last month and I like sharing them in an end of month round-up - even though it's been June for a week now. Crazy, right?… Continue reading My life in photos: May 2016