saturday share_blue
blogging, Lifestyle, Parenthood

Saturday Share #54

The internet is full of so many wonderful things - like bunnies, puppies, beautifully decorated bullet journals and bedrooms straight outta Toy Story! Enjoy this week's fave reads. Blogging How many of these blogger cliches are you guilty of? I only tick half the boxes! I loved Cat's post on 15 truths we don't like… Continue reading Saturday Share #54

game of thrones battle of the bastards
blogging, geekery, Jenson, Lifestyle, Parenthood

Friday Favourites #4

Ah, Friday Fun Day! I'm really loving putting together these favourite posts. Even in a week when buses have been shit (two and a half hours to get home from work!) and Jenson has been screaming in pain as his first molar cuts through, I like taking the time to reflect on the brighter aspects… Continue reading Friday Favourites #4