saturday share_blue
blogging, Books, Lifestyle, Parenthood, stationery

Saturday Share #53

I actually found time for a Twitter chat this week (the perfect place to find new blogs!), so as well as the usual favourite posts of the week, I've got some new favourite blogs to share with you too! Travel Chrissie has shared some of Manchester's epic street art I've got family in Derbyshire and… Continue reading Saturday Share #53


Goodbye 2013, hello 2014!

I've just read back my hopes for 2013 post and I don't think I've done too badly. This year, I didn't set myself resolutions, rather I made a short list of things I wanted to achieve. Here's how I cracked on with them: 1. Learn to sew I might not have actually learned to sew… Continue reading Goodbye 2013, hello 2014!