
Friday Favourites #54

Man, it’s been a busy week! I spent a couple of days away for work (like you didn’t already know! I haven’t half harped on about it), caught up with the family, spent a few days in the office and now Luke has the weekend off, so we have a long family weekend planned. Yay! Here’s a look at another week in the life of A Cornish Geek.


If you’re stopping by the first time for a week or so, you’ll have missed that I actually went away for a couple of days last week. My first stop was a conference in Brighton, including a stay at the awesome My Brighton Hotel. I reviewed it here and shared some photos from my travels here. It was my first time flying, my first time in Brighton and the longest time I’ve spent away from Jenson. I left before he woke up on the Thursday and got home after he went up to bed on the Friday. And he’s been a wee bit clingy since. Can’t say I mind catching up on the cuddles.

My Brighton Hotel - review

My Brighton Hotel - review

Exploring Brighton


My second day away was spent in London and I was able to visit some places I hadn’t seen before, including Chinatown and Carnaby Street. Check out my full photo diary here.

12 hours in London - Chinatown

12 hours in London - Carnaby Street

12 hours in London - Agatha Christie

New purse

Have I mentioned how much I love my new Cath Kidston purse? I managed to snap one up at the airport just a couple of days before they took the collection off sale.

Cath Kidston Alice purse

Family time

I caught up with my parents when I got home and my dad shouted Jenson and I roast dinners. The back room at The Longboat Inn is decked out all film geek-ish because it’s close to their mini cinema – well worth popping in if you find yourself in Penzance. They do a cracking carvary too.

Carvary at The Longboat Inn, Penzance

Carvary at The Longboat Inn, Penzance

Happy post

I’ve had some fun post arrive lately, including the new release from Holly Bourne. Hopefully I can squeeze Are We All Lemmings & Snowflakes? into my reading schedule in the next couple of weeks. Any readers who pre-ordered the book and contacted the publisher directly was sent a kindness pack – such fab marketing. I love my new pin.

Kindness is contagious

Upcoming collaborations

I’ve got a fair few fun review and giveaway posts coming up, starting with a dot grid notebook giveaway on Sunday, shortly followed by a back to school stationery post with Ryman, a new collection from Mustard, some fun book blog tours, book lover merch from Lit Emporium and celebrating Roald Dahl Day. Speaking of which…

Roald Dahl Day

I contacted the guys at Penguin to see what’s happening this year and their press release was so exciting that I had to share some snippets. I’ve got a post or two coming up for The Big Day (13 September, in case you didn’t know) but there are a few fun events and campaigns you need to be aware of.

Roald Dahl Day 2018

Celebrating James and the Giant Peach
This year, we celebrate Roald Dahl’s very first novel for children, JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH. This is a story which shows young readers that friends can come in the most unexpected forms – including an Old Green Grasshopper, a Spider and a Centipede – and arrive in the most surprising and magical places – inside a Giant Peach. At the heart of the story is James Henry Trotter – a small but tough orphan, who discovers he can achieve the seemingly impossible with imagination, determination and a little help from his amazing and delightful new friends.

Roald Dahl Day 2018

To highlight the magic of JAMES, get ready for magical happenings worldwide in schools, bookshops, museums, forests and other venues… including the arrival of giant peaches, giant musical bugs, peach volleyball and chocolate-making workshops…

James and the Giant Weekend
The Roald Dahl Story Company is joining forces with London’s iconic Natural History Museum to deliver JAMES AND THE GIANT WEEKEND – a family festival taking place on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 September. Over both days the Museum, home to the most scientifically-important Collection of its kind anywhere in the world, will stage numerous activities and events for families to explore the natural world, as celebrated in the story. Join the Museum’s expert bug detectives to uncover marvellous minibeasts in the Wildlife Garden, meet Museum scientists, see real specimens, get hands on and learn more about the fascinating real lives of James’ minibeast friends. Take the “What Bug Am I?” quiz and create your own wearable antennae. Join the visiting team from the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre for a “Whizzbanging Words” session, and reveal Dahl’s original workings for the story. Then take a well-earned rest in the Darwin Centre courtyard for some entertainment provided by three Giant Musical Bugs!

Puffin Virtually Live
Schools around the world will be gathering around the whiteboard in school halls and libraries for the annual Roald Dahl Day Show, created by Puffin Books. This year’s line-up includes: author and comedian Adrian Edmondson who’ll be sharing creative writing tips inspired by Roald Dahl; Rachel White, Collections Manager and Archivist from the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre; and meeting some of the incredible insects and scientists at London’s Natural History Museum. Hosted by Ed Petrie, the show is live at 14:00 GMT on Thursday September 13th and free to watch then and “virtually live” at

Forestry Commission
Launching on Roald Dahl Day itself – September 13th – is a giant collaboration between the Roald Dahl Story Company and the Forestry Commission, to encourage kids to explore their natural surroundings in local forests after school, meet their very own insect friends and learn about their habitats with the launch of “My Forest Adventure Kit”. Forestry Commission sites across England will be running JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH themed events over weekends in September – with some bonus events over October half-term! The activity-based events will include peach volleyball, centipede races and crafting creatures. The kit includes a forest adventure activity booklet, fold out binoculars, a collecting tray for careful examination of bugs and forest items, plus much more and will be on sale soon.

Roald Dahl Museum & Story Centre
The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre in Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire is currently closed until later in 2018 whilst they recover from a flood! However, you can join the Museum team for a JAMES-themed “Whizzbanging Words” session at Natural History Museum, South Kensington as part of JAMES AND THE GIANT WEEKEND on September 8th and 9th. Great Missenden remains a beautiful place to visit. You can walk in Roald Dahl’s footsteps, following the Museum’s Village and Countryside Trails. Join in with a Guided Village Trail, followed by cream tea at the Museum Café on Saturday September 22nd as part of the Chilterns Heritage Festival.

And there’s more! Keep an eye on the blog for some bookish news and reviews.

Family fun

As I said before, Luke has the weekend off work, so we’re able to spend more time as a family. We’re off to see Ant-Man and the Wasp tonight, along with a meal out, before taking Jenson on some adventures. I’ll report back next week.

Have a lovely weekend :)

2 thoughts on “Friday Favourites #54”

  1. It sounds like you’ve had a great time of it lately. I’ve been to Brighton a few times for concerts and I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen of it so far. I still want to go back and explore it properly, though. I’ve always loved Carnaby Street, and China Town looks amazing, but I’ve only walked past it, and haven’t explored it yet. One day! I’m so glad you treated yourself to the Alice purse. I love mine. It’s got to be one of the prettiest purses ever. :)

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