
The Nice Guys, blogging opportunities and New Look #LittleLoves

Little Loves is back, bitches! And with it, so is my weekly round up of what I’ve been reading and watching. There’s even a wee bit of clothes shopping here! So pour yourself a brew and a have a nose at my last fortnight (in case you missed it, last Friday’s post was a World Letter Writing Day special because, well, obviously!).

Read: I’ve had some fab review copies through the post and have mostly been reading a couple of kids’ books (reviews coming in a couple of weeks – they’re great autumn/Halloween reads!) and Breathe/Teen Breathe. Find out more about these awesome mags in yesterday’s review post.

breathe magazine issue 8 and teen breathe issue 1 review

Watched: Jenson had a few early nights while I was on annual leave and we only went and watched a bleddy film! We picked The Nice Guys on Netflix because we liked the look of it when the first trailer was released. I love Ryan Gosling but am not particularly keen on Russell Crowe, so it was a bit risky, but when we saw Shane Black’s name pop up on the opening credits we knew we were in for a good time. I can’t believe I had forgotten that he had written and directed the film – otherwise I would have bumped it straight to the top of my list. I freaking love Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys is very much the same sort of humour. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I LOLed so much. Ryan Gosling is seriously underrated as a comedic actor.

I also need to catch up on season 2 of Victoria.

Heard: I really wanted to be able to say nice things about the return of Taylor Swift but I stopped listening to the first new single after the first annoyingly repetitive chorus and haven’t heard the second yet.

I have, however, heard lots of new words come out of Jenson’s mouth, including computer, cuppa tea and Che (my dad’s dog). So bleddy proud.

Made: I know it’s a bit of a loose connection to this theme but I’ve made loads of great connections lately. I’ve been pitching blog post ideas to brands I’d like to work with and have had some great responses. So much so that I have posts planned well into October. Bring it on!


Wore: You’ll never believe it but I bought myself new clothes for the first time in months! I had a 25% discount code at New Look but no money, so I asked a family member nicely if I could pick out a few things and have them put back for my birthday. I put them on my store card and when they arrived I realised I really wanted to keep the five(!) sweaters I ordered for autumn. So now I’ve bought those for myself (I’ll worry about paying for them next month!) and I’m having my new winter coat and a couple of home pieces put back for my (30th!!!) birthday in November.

I know everyone’s raving about the ‘actually I can’ sweater but I totally missed the boat on that one and ended up getting this cute ‘dream big‘ one – plus four of their new longline sweaters. Every winter I struggle to find women’s jumpers that are long enough to actually cover my tummy and keep me warm and New Look have introduced a new sweater in a whole rainbow of colours. I bought four colours so I’m set for the season. I tried them on and fell in love straight away; the length is perfect and the long sleeves are just begging to be snuggled into.

dream big sweater from new look

And lastly: Today’s a big day – Jenson is off for his settling in session at nursery and I’m going to find out if I’m going to have a fourth nephew or my first niece. Exciting times!

Have a fab weekend. I’m going to be catching up with my bestie for the first time in 18 months ahead of her 30th birthday. We grow up so fast!

Little Loves Coffee Work Sleep Repeat

6 thoughts on “The Nice Guys, blogging opportunities and New Look #LittleLoves”

  1. Hooray for shopping for winter I am in desperate need of it myself. Only summer stuff at the moment still freezing in sandals. Definitely will check it out. Can’t wait to see some snaps here of your new sweaters too. Good luck for Jenson on settling in too. Big milestone. Happy week ahead #litteloves

  2. Hope your son had a lovely settling in session at nursery, and well done on getting lots of lovely pitches with brands. I LOVE your mug and I think we all need one of those in our lives. Have a great weekend x

  3. Loving the look of The Nice Guys, you so right, Ryan Gosling is massively underrated as a comedic actor. I think we’ll give this a watch on Saturday night.
    URGH, my girls have had that Taylor Swift song on repeat since it came out. I’m not a fan.
    Well done on your pitching and planning! I’m going to be working on this for me next week.
    Have a great weekend xx

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