blogging, Lifestyle, Parenthood

Saturday Share #70

More blogging tips this week, plus cute nursery decor and an important reminder to check your boobs!

saturday share_blue

Anna shared some great Twitter hacks on the Cornish Creatives Facebook page the other day. So helpful!

Speaking of Twitter, Gillian has some tips on improving your timeline

Wanna know more about Snapchat?

I loved this BBC News article on what new mums aren’t always told

When my favourite bloggers have children I love having a nose at their posts and nursery inspiration. This week I’ve loved Vicki and Jo‘s decor

I loved Ella’s post and pictures on Mousehole

Bullet journal
Need some inspo? Eleanor has tons of page ideas


I loved Eleanor’s post on the difference between men and women’s clothing. I’ve been having similar issues

I need this doorbell in my life!

I need to go to Brooklyn

Make it
Gotta make these breakfast cups

What have you loved reading this week?

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