
Highlights of the week

This week I’ve mainly been loving YouTube videos, but here’s some cool blog posts too.

New blog finds

The Lovely List

The Tea Drinking English Rose

Beautiful Clutter

New favourite pinner

Sunny Sweet Pea

Articles/blog posts

Should film critics care about cinematic technique? – The Guardian

Joss Whedon releases new film on demand – BBC News

29 reasons Emma Watson is the light of every human’s life – BuzzFeed

300 movie directors guest-edit 300th issue of Empire magazine – The Guardian

Was ‘Say Anything…’ the end of a teen-movie era? – Flavorwire

25 essential graphic novels – Flavorwire

What’s normal when you’re 24? – The Cup and Saucer

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 spoilers: 11 ways it sets up future Spidey movies – What Culture

My week in photos

my week in photos

1. Rewarding myself with tea and biscuits after doing housework on a Bank Holiday
2. Who says it needs to be nice out to have a picnic?
3. Coastal walk, St Ives/Carbis Bay
4. Meeting a beautiful and friendly horse on our travels
5. I like taking photos of the boyfriend taking photos

Want, need, wear, read

want need wear read

Want: The second I saw this Alice and Wonderland tea selection from Whittard’s on Pin-up and Tease’s blog, I knew I had to have it. Luckily it was only mere hours til pay day, so my £10.00 set is now on the way!

Need: I’m forever writing shopping lists and throwing the piece of paper in my bag, soon to be lost amongst all of the other crap that’s in there. This cute little shopper pad from Anthropologie should be easy to keep track of. And it’s only £8.00.

Wear: River Island are currently offering students 20% off their stock but there’s only one item I really like the look of – this little black t-shirt. Plus it’s only a bargain £15 anyways, so that might be making its way to me soon too.

Read: Have you heard of the Everyday Sexism Project? It was started by a woman who was sick of the way she (and most other women) was treated by men in her day-to-day life and encouraged women to share their stories. You can find out more here get the book from Waterstones for £14.99.


shakespeare quotes

Image via

audrey hepburn garden

Image via


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