Books, Lifestyle

Item of the day: Liberty sewing book

the liberty book of sewingI was wondering around The Works (always great for a bargain) and came across The Liberty Book of Sewing for a few measly quid (down from £20). It looks like the perfect book for me as I prepare to learn how to make my own pretty things for the house. I’ve been meaning to buy cushions for the dining chairs for months now but thanks to this book I can make my own! Plus this it is pretty cool to the touch – it’s all soft and bumpy. Oooooh!

the liberty book of sewing

At the back of the book is a selection of sewing patterns to copy and enlarge. Now I need to start buying fabric – and the quirkier the better. Some of my favourite sites I’ve come across are Brighton Sewing Centre, Fabric Rehab and Sew Scrumptious. Got some suggestions? Leave a link in the comments. In the meantime, I’ll get cracking with some actual sewing projects and share my efforts – with proper instructions, anyone can do these, right?

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