bunting necklace from the old farmhouse jewellery

Item of the day: Bunting necklace

The Old Farmhouse Jewellery makes loads of gorgeous custom jewellery and right now I'm loving this beautiful bunting necklace - five pieces for £52 or three pieces for £28. I don't actually regularly wear jewellery myself but I have a beautiful bracelet with an owl charm which my brother ordered for me from TOFJ a… Continue reading Item of the day: Bunting necklace

Lifestyle, stationery

Paperchase’s wedding collection

No, I'm not subtly making a big announcement. I just happened to come across Paperchase's new stock with some of their wedding items hidden amongst them. The wedding season is creeping up on us. If any of you lovely readers had that question popped over Christmas, New Year or Valentine's Day and are looking for some… Continue reading Paperchase’s wedding collection